Divorce Mediation: How Can That Help Me?

This article was written by Freya Robbins


Divorce mediation involves two parties and a neutral third party. The objective of divorce mediation is to maintain the integrity of the family relationship, reduce the emotional and financial stress of divorce, and achieve resolution so you can both move on with your lives. Here at Zollinger Mediation we walk couples through the steps of mediation.

Steps for Divorce Mediation

Free Consult

Free 15 min with one of our expert mediators to answer your questions. No commitment.

Initial Consult

The mediator, you & your partner meet to asses your specific situation & evaluate a plan of action.

Agreement to Mediate

Legal particulars and obligations of each party to participate in the mediation process.

Financial Affidavit

Collect data on your assets, liabilities, insurance policies, retirement accounts, etc. as well as construct a budget for your post-divorce living expenses.

Additional Agreements

Finalize financial arrangements. If there are minor children, complete a parenting plan & Child Support Worksheet. Complete parenting course, & discuss insurance policies, wills, deeds, titles, trusts, & other legal documents.

Final Documents

After the details are mediated, it is time for paperwork. Your agreement will be prepared
with all the other court-required documents. You will have a packet for the court and we will discuss your next steps.

First is your free phone consultation, one for you and one for your partner.

The second step of the mediation process is the initial consult where both parties come in and talk with the mediator so we can get a better understanding of what your specific needs are and to get to know you.

The third step is your agreement to mediate, where you and your partner have made the decision to use Zollinger Mediation and more forward with the process.

The fourth step is the financial affidavits, our expert mediator will go through these with you and make sure everything is accounted for and correct.

The fifth step is additional agreements, this step may be a collection of several meetings depending on the couple’s particular case including but not limited to parenting plans, child support worksheets, insurance policies, alimony, etc.

The sixth step is final documents, the agreement will be prepared, and a packet given to you for the courts.

If you find yourself questioning whether divorce is the best option for you, click the button below and schedule a no cost call with one of our mediators.