Mediation Moments

Happy New Year!

January 1, 2006

Freya’s Financial Facts Regarding Divorce January 2006  Happy New Year! We hope this is a year for progress and good health; physically, emotionally and financially. If a possible divorce is ahead of you in the New Year, there is much to think about. It can be draining financially and emotionally but should not be devastating.…

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There Is Help for Divorce

November 1, 2005

 Freya’s Financial Facts Regarding Divorce  West Coast Woman Published November 2005 Question’s & Answers How did I get into this predicament anyway? Have you been wondering lately how it is that you find yourself considering divorce? Or maybe your partner has told you that it is impending. I certainly believe in the institution of marriage,…

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Divorcing with Debt

July 1, 2005

Freya’s Financial Facts Regarding Divorce West Coast Woman Published July 2005 Questions & Answers  Question: My Wife and I have accumulated a lot of debt during our marriage. Now that we are getting a divorce, how do we handle it?  Answer: First of all, know that you are not alone. Many of our clients tell…

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Financial Divorce Options

June 1, 2005

Freya’s Financial Facts Regarding Divorce West Coast Woman Published June 2005  Questions & Answers Question: I have been a stay at home mom during most of our marriage. Since my husband is the one that worked during our marriage and money went into a 401K account is that his money only? Answer: Financially speaking, the…

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